We have been working with different Business Relationship Managers (BRMs) in different organizations on how to drive value in the organization. The first question always is: what is the process for ideation, estimation, value management, etc.? Although it is necessary to have a clear understanding how we define the actions I also think we spend too much time on thinking about process. There are several challenges we can see based on this:

First challenge is that by trying to put it in a process we get the perception in the organization that driving value is easy and obvious. Just follow the process and you will be fine. Most investments that Business Relationship Managers are focused on are complicated or complex and every investment will require a different approach to understand what needs to be done. There is often not an obvious workflow that can be defined.

Second challenge is that we think that BRMs are focused on realizing the value. In most cases the BRMs are exploring the value for the organization and ensure the right people are at the table to understand the value. Decision making for complicated and complex investments requires diversity in perspectives. The organization will realize the value, the BRM brings the diverse perspectives to the table. This will drive the value for the organization.

Measuring value
Third challenge is the challenge of measuring value. No standard approaches for this, it depends on the situation and the industry you are working in. Don’t expect you can just have a standard set of tools to measure value. Understand the high-level approach and drive the efforts to measure value based on that. Measuring value should be seen as a language that helps the organization to validate and accept the results. 

I fully understand that in the beginning lots of BRMs are heavily involved in defining and measuring value. I see the future for value management as a competency in the organization where the BRM ensures value results, but is not fully involved in the execution tasks. The BRMs (and other leaders) in the organization will have shared ownership to drive value for the organization. BRMs will address if efforts are not delivering value or meeting the purpose of the organization. They will focus the rest of the organization to always think about value and will communicate the value results.

Change the behaviour in the organization, get the  value mindset going. Don’t try to control the process.

Focus the organization on the value mindset (with the right language). Persuade and influence other members in the teams to have the discussion around value. Make it a habit, don’t force it through a process.

If you want more information about driving value in your organization attend the becoming a value focused organization workshop