BRM Cafe with Joe Topinka

In this episode Peter talks to Joe Topinka. Joe is a CIO and also the chairman of the board of directors of the BRM Institute. He has written a book about IT Business partnerships and is active as a consultant and coach to other CIOs. In this episode we talk about...

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BRM Cafe with Marleen Lundy

BRM Connect conference Peter: Welcome to BRM Café episode 13. In this episode I talk to Marleen Lundy of the BRM Institute. She's the chief development officer for the BRM Institute and we talk about her role, the conference and the knowledge paths to success....

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BRM Cafe with Malini Jayaganesh

Business Relationship Management in AustraliaPeter: Welcome to BRM Cafe Episode 12. In this episode, I talk to Malini Jayaganesh about BRM in Australia proving value of the BRM role, the cultural differences, developing countries for BRM, knowledge paths to success...

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BRM Cafe with Paul Wilkinson – Learning by Doing

TRANSCRIPT Peter: Welcome to BRM Café, Episode 11. In this episode, I talk to Paul Wilkinson about simulations to show business IT convergent, skills and behavior for BRMs. This BRM strategic partnering and the importance of communication. In the end, we discuss his...

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BRM Cafe with Aaron Monroe

TRANSCRIPT PETER LIJNSE: Welcome to BRM Cafe, Episode 10. In this episode, I talk to Aaron Monroe about Agile and business relationship management. Topics we discuss are: role clarity around product manager and VRM, different frameworks within the Agile environment,...

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BRM Cafe Ep 8 – with Kip Fanta

"Can I have my Kip?"TRANSCRIPTPeter: Welcome to BRM cafe Episode 8. In this episode I talk to Kip Fanta about the challenge of building a BRM team, the importance of top down tone, difference between private and public companies and commodity outsourcing. Kip, welcome...

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Business Relationship Management Professional® and BRMP® are registered trade marks of Business Relationship Management Institute. Certified Business Relationship Manager® and CBRM® are registered trade marks of Business Relationship Management Institute.